Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Today's To-Go Lunch

Admittedly, not a very big lunch, but healthy nonetheless. I found these rad little Oskri bars at the grocery store last night. I used to get their coconut bars (simply dried coconut with rice syrup) and sesame bars (thin wafers of sesame seeds and rice syrup) but they have expanded to nut bars, fruit bars, and other flavors.

But anyway, alongside this mixed nut bar, I have some cherry tomatoes (that I just LOVE for snacks) in the large container from my Laptop Lunch Box, instead of using a plastic baggie.

Also, I wanted to tell everyone about my awesome Sigg water bottle Matt got me for Christmas.

There is no plastic in this water bottle. It will not leach chemicals into your water and even has a cool design on the outside! I love it and use it everyday!

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