Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tiffin! and Ginger Tea

As I said in an earlier post, I found a Tiffin at World Market. I always enjoyed seeing what Jennifer at Vegan Lunch Box packed in her Tiffin, so I was filled with excitement when I saw this beautiful stainless-steel one. I have a Laptop Lunch Box, but find myself not using it very often because a.) I don't eat a full meal away from home very often (although when I was going to community college my Laptop L.B. got a workout!) and b.) I find them a little less portable than the Tiffin. You have to make sure the latch doesn't spring open on you, and I was always afraid the un-lidded containers of the lunchbox were going to still or leak. But with the Tiffin, everything is held upright, there are two sturdy latches on the sides and there is even a nice handle on top!

So, for my Tiffin's maiden voyage, I pack this:

Spicy refried bean dip with cherry tomato halves in the left compartment and in the right we have mini tortilla chips, jicama slices and two little Coconut Raspberry Squares.

This was definitely a good lunch. Simple, healthy and tasty. Yum!

So remeber when I was talking about that delicious ginger tea I had at the Korean restaraunt? I made some myself and it turned out perfect! I figured all they did was make a ginger syrup with fresh ginger, water and sugar, then mix the concentrated syrup with hot water and voila! So, here's how to make it:

*2 cups water

* 1/4 cup fresh sliced and peeled ginger root

*scant 1/4 cup sugar (if you do honey, use honey, or agave. I'm not sure how sucanat, maple syrup or turbinado would work, since they have a distinct flavor)

Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan, bring to a light boil, stir, then reduce heat to a gentle simmer and cook, uncovered for 2-3 minutes, until the liquid starts to turn golden. Remove from the heat and cool, then transfer (ginger and all) to a lidded container and store in the fridge. To make a cup of tea, fill a mug 2/3 full with hot water, pour in 3-4 tablespoons of the ginger concoction and enjoy!

Ginger helps the digestive system, is a warming herb (good for winter) and is soothing when you have a cold or are under the weather. It is also energizing and makes a good afternoon pick-me- up. So drink up!

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